Semper Reformanda and a new blog series
This past weekend some of us had the opportunity to travel down to Grace Family Baptist Church in Houston for their annual Semper Reformanda conference. The subject this year was “God and the Holy Trinity” from the second chapter of our confession of faith. The speakers were Dr. Liam Goligher and Dr. Samuel Renihan and the teaching they brought was helpful in pointing us back to scripture for shaping our understanding of who God is and how he has revealed himself to us. The effect was increased clarity in our understanding of God’s nature as well as inspiring us to worship and adore God for who he is. If you were unable to attend I would encourage you to listen to the sessions. They are currently online via the GfBC facebook page but should be available soon on Sermon Audio as well. Listen to them in order as they build on one another.
At the conference we all received copies of two of Chapel Library’s Free Grace Broadcaster magazines in which they collect a variety of articles and sermons on a specific topic and compile them into a quarterly publication. The topics for the two provided at the conference this year were “The Triune God” and “The Person of Christ”. We picked up enough copies for each family at church to have one and they are available on our front table. I’d encourage you to read through them and perhaps even include them in your family devotional times.
To encourage everyone as they read through them I’m planning on blogging through the articles over the next few weeks. I will start with issue 231 “The Triune God” and then move on to issue 219 “The Person of Christ”. May God bless our efforts to grow in our knowledge and adoration of his glory and majesty!
Pastor Joshua
More in Blog
November 13, 2018
An Overview of the TrinityOctober 23, 2018
Why study the Trinity?October 22, 2018
Semper Reformanda and a new blog series