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Welcome to the web site of West Oaks Baptist Church. To the right we have included a number of links to aid you in understanding better who we are and why we are here. Please feel free to look around and find answers to any questions that you may have about us. You are also invited to come join us as we worship every Sunday morning. 


About our Church

We are an evangelical congregation of believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. If you join us you will find we are a gathering of people from all backgrounds and walks of life. There is nothing particularly special about us. To the contrary we recognize that we are all sinners and deeply broken people. We do have something wonderfully special to share however. Though we are all sinners we have each become recipients of the amazing mercy and love of God. How? Through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, we have been welcomed as children of God. To learn more about how you can find the same mercy and love that we enjoy please read 'What is the Gospel?'