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Archives for September 2015

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What Jesus Taught About Homosexuality

In this third sermon of the series on 'The Bible and Homosexuality' Daniel asks the question that we hear so often in our culture, "Where did Jesus ever teach about homosexuality?" The answer is not what many may assume!...

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The Holiness Code Then and Now

In this second sermon of the series on 'The Bible and Homosexuality' Pastor Joshua looks at the prohibitions of the holiness code in Leviticus 18 and 20. To answer the challenges of the cuture God's people are called to a deeper understanding of God's law and his grace in the Gospel....

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What Was The Sin Of Sodom?

Pastor Joshua gives an introduction to this new series titled 'The Bible And Homosexuality' explaining the need to understand the Bible's teaching in this area. He then looks specifically at the notorious story of Sodom asking the question 'What was the sin of Sodom?'...

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