The Abounding Effects Of Love
Pastor Shawn starts us on our new sermon series through the letter to the Philippians and opens up with Paul's introduction....
Keep ReadingThe first in our series reviewing "The Triune God" by Chapel Library...
A review of the Semper Reformanda conference and plans for a new blog series...
John MacArthur has just started a new series of blogs on the false teaching coming in the form of “social justice” that I would highly recommend everyone read. Of note for our sermon tomorrow is this entry on the history of false teachers in the church that I think is very pertinent to our sermon series through Jude....
While many of us believe the Bible is inerrant and true in all it says we often live as if the Bible is not sufficient or enough to teach us how to live and worship as Christians....
Registration is now open for our 2018 Rooted Conference! We are blessed to have Pastor Tom Ascol come and speak with us on “Life in the Family of God” for our second annual conference. Make sure to check out our conference page at and get tickets now. We look forward to seeing everyone there! ...
This week in Sunday School we will be starting a new series teaching through our church confession, the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith. This is a series that Pastor Shawn and I have been desiring to start for some time and are excited to finally begin! We will not being trying to teach through the entire confession in a single go. To do that and give justice to the entire document would take years. Our approach will be to take small sections, a chapter or part of a chapter, and teach through these sections for a few weeks. We will then alternate back and forth with the other regular teaching topics that make up our usual Sunday School curriculum. Our hope is to slowly, as a church, become more familiar with the riches and insights of our Confession of Faith. We will seek to grow in our knowledge of the truths of scripture so plainly laid out in the Confession and gain a more firm grounding for our faith. We will be trying to continue our recent practice of recording the Sunday School so that those who are unable to attend every meeting will be able to follow and learn along as we embark on this exciting endeavor. See you all Sunday! ~Pastor Joshua ...
Reflections on a talk by Nancy Pearcey, author of "Finding Truth"...
In this sermon Pastor Shawn demonstrates the necessity of holiness in the life of a Christian and calls on us to strive for the holiness that only the Spirit of God can bring....
In this sermon Pastor Joshua delves into the shocking story of Dinah and sees in the midst of great evil and falleness that God is teaching his people to be wary of a world that seeks their defilement....
In this sermon Pastor Shawn looks at the account of Jacob wrestling with God. We see a man who has gone from self-sufficient to now broken and ready to be used by God for his purposes....
In this sermon Pastor Joshua looks at the meeting of Jacob and Esau after 20 years of hostility and separation. What we see is a beautiful picture of the reconciliation that God works in the hearts of his people along with a call to be reconciled to our brothers and sisters in Christ....
In this sermon Daniel looks at the account of Jacob preparing to meet his brother Esau. In examining Jacob's prayer to God we see a man who has been transformed and now stands on the promises of God in the midst of an uncertain future....
I this sermon Pastor Joshua looks at the account of Jacob's prosperity while working for his uncle Laban. What we find is a reminder of how God's people gain success in this life and the life to come....
In this sermon Pastor Shawn looks at the story of Jacob fleeing Laban and points out the grace of God at work in his people. Here we see that Jacob is a different man than the one who fled his own home and brother so many years before....
In this sermon Pastor Shawn looks at the account of Jacob marrying Leah and Rachel. In this account we see the effects of sin but also the sovereign power of God....
In this sermon Pastor Shawn looks at the war of the wives that occurs between the sisters Leah and Rebecca as they vie for the honor and affection of Jacob. Sin abounds but God's purposes are accomplished and the tribes of Israel find their beginnings....
In this sermon Pastor Joshua looks at the account of Jacob's vision of a ladder stretching down from heaven to earth. Here we see the promise of God to make a way for us to know Him, to know His favor, and to know what He requires of us....
In this sermon Pastor Joshua looks at Isaac sending off his son Jacob to find a wife and shows how God's grace changes his people in their very hearts....
In this sermon Pastor Shawn looks at the familiar passage where Jacob steals Esau's blessing. What we see is a family of people who have decided to seek God's promised blessing by selfishly declaring, "I'll do it my way!"...
In this sermon Pastor Shawn looks at the life of Isaac and finds that in the Ordinary Christian Life our God is anything but ordinary!...
In this sermon Pastor Joshua looks at the prophecy that Rebecca receives concerning her two sons while they were still in her womb. What we see is an amazing display of the God's freedom to choose....
In this sermon Pastor Joshua looks at the death of Abraham. By looking at Abraham's legacy we are challenged to ask what sort of legacy we will leave when we too die and are buried....
In this sermon Pastor Joshua looks at the account of Abraham's servant bringing Rebekah back to marry Isaac. What we find is a reminder of the urgency of the gospel call for those who proclaim it as well as all who hear....
In this sermon Pastor Joshua looks at the beginning of the account of Abraham seeking a wife for his son Isaac. What we find is an amazing account of the Providential hand of God at work to bring about God's purposes for his people....
In this 6th and final sermon of the series "The Bible and Homosexuality" Pastor Joshua looks at the charge that the biblical teaching on Homosexuality is not loving but rather hateful to the Homosexual. The answer is found in the famous 'love passage' of 1 Corinthians 13 where God defines what true love is....
In this 4th sermon of the series 'The Bible and Homosexuality' Pastor Shawn looks at the second half of Romans 1 and the connection between God's wrath, the great exchange of truth and falsehood, and the sin of homosexuality. The culmination of God's wrath and men's sin points to our need for a savior....
In this 5th sermon of the series 'The Bible and Homosexuality' Pastor Joshua looks at the vice lists of 1 Corinthians 6 and 1 Timothy 1. He shows the problems with the new interpretations of these verses and points us back to the transformative nature of the Gospel....
In this third sermon of the series on 'The Bible and Homosexuality' Daniel asks the question that we hear so often in our culture, "Where did Jesus ever teach about homosexuality?" The answer is not what many may assume!...
In this second sermon of the series on 'The Bible and Homosexuality' Pastor Joshua looks at the prohibitions of the holiness code in Leviticus 18 and 20. To answer the challenges of the cuture God's people are called to a deeper understanding of God's law and his grace in the Gospel....
Pastor Joshua gives an introduction to this new series titled 'The Bible And Homosexuality' explaining the need to understand the Bible's teaching in this area. He then looks specifically at the notorious story of Sodom asking the question 'What was the sin of Sodom?'...
Pastor Shawn looks at the end of Philippians chapter 2 and Paul's commendation of Timothy and Epaphroditus. These two men offer a great study of the servant's heart that marks Christ's people....
Pastor Shawn looks at the call to work out our salvation and helps us understand this oft misunderstood but beautiful and encouraging teaching....
Pastor Joshua looks at Philippians 2 and Paul's desire for the church to love one another with a radical humility. Ultimately Jesus Christ is our example of true humility....
Pastor Joshua looks at the marks of a gospel-centered life and identifies the Christian's hope, the Christian's desire, the Christian's manner of life, and the Christian's conflict....
Pastor Shawn looks at Philippians 1:12-18 and Paul's joy in the advancement of the gospel, no matter the cost to himself....
Pastor Shawn starts us on our new sermon series through the letter to the Philippians and opens up with Paul's introduction....
Pastor Joshua looks at the account of Sarah's death and her burial. We are reminded that for those who are in Christ the promises of God come through death and resurrection....
In this sermon Pastor Joshua looks at the account of Abraham offering Isaac on the altar and asks why God sends us times of testing....
In this sermon guest preacher Russell McGee looks at Psalm 73 and the journey of Asaph from the despair of one looking on the success of the wicked to the delight of one hoping in the salvation of God. ...
In this sermon Pastor Joshua looks at the account of Abraham casting out Ishmael and Hagar and asks what this difficult passage teaches us about who are the true children of God....
This past Sunday we were blessed to have one of the men in our church, Carl Hattaway, fill in for Pastor Shawn while he is on sabbatical. In this sermon Carl looks at the climactic birth of the Isaac, the promised son, and challenges us to believe all that God has promised....
Pastor Joshua looks at the account of Abraham and Abimelech and asks what happens when the mature in faith fall into sin.gen...
Pastor Shawn looks at the consequences of Lot's entertaining little sins and the destruction it brings to his family. In this he offers us both a warning and a reason for hope....
Pastor Shawn looks at the rescue of Lot from the judgement coming on Sodom. What we see is a man who has attached himself to the things of this world and it takes an act of mercy by God to extricate him....
Pastor Joshua looks at the second part of Genesis 18 and God's sharing of his plans for judgement with Abraham. He asks why it is so important that God makes his wrath and judgement known to us and what we might miss if we ignore these important passages....
In this sermon Pastor Joshua looks at the account of Abraham meeting three strangers. Here we see first Abraham's hospitality to the strangers. On closer look it is the hospitality of God that amazes us!...
Pastor Shawn preaches at the Good Friday joint worship service. He opens up Romans 3 and shows the mercy of God and the Wrath of God meeting at the Cross....
Pastor Shawn looks at Genesis 17 and the promise of Isaac's birth. He points us beyond Isaac himself to the promised Redeemer Jesus Christ. ...
Pastor Shawn looks at the Covenant of Circumcision with Abraham and begins to open up the scope of Reformed Baptist Covenant Theology showing how important this subject is to us today....
In this sermon Pastor Joshua looks at Genesis 16 and the fall of faithful Abram into sin and doubt. God responds with mercy....
In this sermon Pastor Shawn looks at the encounter of Abram with Melchizedek and helps us see what this teaches us about Jesus Christ....
In this sermon Pastor Joshua looks at the covenant that God makes with Abram and asks how we today can have a part in the promised blessings of God....
Pastor Shawn looks at the story of Abram's rescue of his nephew Lot and asks what this can teach us about our own temptations to pursue the world and how we can rescue one another when we fall....
Pastor Joshua looks at the separation of Abram and Lot and asks how God's people are to respond to conflict....
In this sermon Pastor Joshua looks at the sin of Abram when he lies about his wife and almost loses her to Pharaoh. He then asks where God's people are to find hope when they stumble and fall....
Pastor Shawn looks at the calling of Abram. God calls. God gives faith. Will we follow?...
Pastor Shawn looks at the reason for Babel and how we can be redeemed from the judgement for our prideful hearts....
Pastor Joshua looks at the Table of Nations passage from Genesis 10 and shows us how the Bible can bring reformation to our understanding of race....
In this sermon Pastor Joshua looks at the account of Noah and his sons and asks the question, "How can we pass on a Godly legacy?"...
Pastor Shawn looks at Genesis 9:1-17 and the account of God's covenant with Noah asking what assurance we can have as we all face God's judgement for our sins....
Pastor Shawn looks at the story of the Magi seeking the new born Christ. They followed the light of a star to find their king. How will you respond to the light of Scripture that points us all to Christ our King?...
Pastor Joshua looks at the introduction to the Gospel of John and asks what it means that the Word became flesh....
Pastor Shawn looks at Genesis 8 and asks what it means that God remembered Noah....
Pastor Josh looks at Noah's sacrifice after exiting the Ark and asks how we can be pleasing to God today....
Pastor Shawn looks at the judgment of the flood and points us to our own need for salvation by the blood of Christ....
Who are the mysterious Sons of God from Genesis 6? What about the Nephilim? Could they possibly have any relevance to us today? Pastor Josh looks at this difficult passage and challenges us to see that even the most obscure parts of scripture are 'God-breathed' and profitable to the people of God!...
In this sermon Pastor Josh looks at the genealogy recorded in Genesis 5. What we find is a testimony to the God who always keeps his promises....
In this sermon Pastor Shawn looks at the way of Seth as it is contrasted with the way of Cain. Those who follow the way of Cain boast in themselves while the way of Seth is marked by those 'who call on the name of the Lord'....
In this sermon Pastor Shawn looks at the fourth chapter of Genesis and the familiar story of Cain and Abel. Here we find the continuation of the war between the seed of the serpent and the seed of the woman....
In this sermon Pastor Shawn looks at the end of Genesis 3 and the expulsion from the garden. Here we see side by side the judgement of God and his great mercy toward those who repent and believe in his promises....
Pastor Joshua shows how the sin of Adam and Eve marks our world and our hearts. Yet even in judgement God promises hope!...
Pastor Shawn looks at the creation of man in God's image. In this passage we see the Divine Plan, the Divine Pattern, the Divine Purpose, and the Divine Rest....
In today's sermon Pastor Shawn looks at Genesis 2 and the account of God creating Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden....
Pastor Joshua introduces the book of Genesis and sets a groundwork for how to approach and understand this often disputed book of the Bible. One of the guiding principles set forth is 'If God wrote it then God gets to interpret it!'...
In this sermon Pastor Joshua looks at the final verses of Romans and asks what Paul's conclusion is concerning the gospel. We are reminded that the gospel is necessary to save the lost and strengthen the saints. All this is ultimately for the glory of God....
Although I hope we all desire to live a life of deep spiritual joy, many of us know people who have gone through a time of spiritual dryness or have experienced that dryness ourselves. To some extent, spiritual ups and downs may be part of the Christian life, but could it be possible to avoid or at least minimize these spells of spiritual dryness?...
Pastor Shawn takes a careful look at Paul's warning to avoid false teachers and suggests how we can prepare ourselves to face the many false teachings prevalent in our day....
In this sermon Pastor Shawn looks at chapter 16 of Romans and asks what we can learn from a list of names. It's more than you think!...
In this sermon Pastor Joshua looks at Paul's plans for his future ministry and asks how we can think about our own callings....
In this sermon Pastor Josh looks at Paul's reflections on his ministry and asks what we can learn about Christian Missions from the Apostle to the Gentiles....
In this sermon Pastor Shawn looks at Romans 15:8-13 and the hope that we have in our savior Jesus Christ....
The Old Testament is packed with examples of family life. Since all scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching and training in righteousness (1 Timothy), does this mean we should be modeling our homes after the families we read about in the Old Testament?...
Pastor Shawn looks at Romans 15:1-7 and calls on us to look to Christ as our example of seeking our brother's good....
In this sermon on July 27 Pastor Joshua looks at Paul's words concerning the Kingdom of God and reminds us of the Gospel by which we have been saved....
So, what does the Bible say about family? Let's begin with the Old Testament....
In the sermon on July 20th Pastor Joshua looks at Paul's instruction to not allow our freedoms in Christ to cause our brother to stumble. If we don't take care then we risk harming our brother as well as ourselves!...
How do you define family? As we explore this together we hope to uncover what it means and how relevant it is in our culture....
In the sermon on July 6th Pastor Shawn looks at the beginning of Romans 14 and shows Paul's concern for unity in the body of Christ. The key is to know your M&M's (rather MnM's)!...
Pastor Shawn continues in Romans 14 looking at what it means to live in honor of the Lord in all that we do....
In the sermon on June 22nd Pastor Joshua expounds the second half of Romans 13 showing the centrality of love to the Christian life. In the process we are challenged in our own understanding of love and law. Christ is the key to living a life of love....
In the sermon on June 29th Pastor Joshua expounds the beginning of Romans 13 and why paying taxes is a mark of a true Christian...
Pastor Shawn starts us on our new sermon series through the letter to the Philippians and opens up with Paul's introduction....
Keep ReadingPastor Joshua looks at the account of Sarah's death and her burial. We are reminded that for those who are in Christ the promises of God come through death and resurrection....
Keep ReadingIn this sermon Pastor Joshua looks at the account of Abraham offering Isaac on the altar and asks why God sends us times of testing....
Keep Reading