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Archives for July 2014

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The Gospel of the Kingdom

In this sermon on July 27 Pastor Joshua looks at Paul's words concerning the Kingdom of God and reminds us of the Gospel by which we have been saved....

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The Original Family

So, what does the Bible say about family? Let's begin with the Old Testament....

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Unity in identity

Thoughts on where we find unity...

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Don't be a Stumbling Block

In the sermon on July 20th Pastor Joshua looks at Paul's instruction to not allow our freedoms in Christ to cause our brother to stumble. If we don't take care then we risk harming our brother as well as ourselves!...

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How do you define family?

How do you define family? As we explore this together we hope to uncover what it means and how relevant it is in our culture....

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Welcome One Another

In the sermon on July 6th Pastor Shawn looks at the beginning of Romans 14 and shows Paul's concern for unity in the body of Christ. The key is to know your M&M's (rather MnM's)!...

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In Honor Of The Lord

Pastor Shawn continues in Romans 14 looking at what it means to live in honor of the Lord in all that we do....

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The Centrality of Love

In the sermon on June 22nd Pastor Joshua expounds the second half of Romans 13 showing the centrality of love to the Christian life. In the process we are challenged in our own understanding of love and law. Christ is the key to living a life of love....

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